Lessons Learned

Saxon Bots 5111

When I joined Ferris’s Rookie FIRST Robotics Competition team I did not know what to expect or what would be required throughout the build season and competitions. When an entire team joins FRC, it becomes even more hectic and difficult to assign tasks that you are completely unaware about or have no knowledge about.

We were all nervous and excited in our first competition at Eastern Washington University, unsure of how anything was going to be done. We learned how helpful the other teams and volunteers were with any problems at the competitions that we had with our robot. Everyone was helpful in explaining how to get inspected and how and when to cue up for matches, among many other things.

Another thing that we learned is that you need to document everything. Team member jobs, the building progress of the robot, and material requirements needed to be available for everyone to see because it helps group members know what the plan is and what they are doing and interests people in joining the team.

Finally, I recommend taking every approach to let others know about the team through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and flyers that members can share with their friends and go even further to make sure everyone knows about the team through the school news and posters throughout the school. The reason why you want to let everyone know about the team is because the more students know about a robotics team the greater the chances you will have enough members on your team and more people will donate to your team.

Mark Gaydarzhi

Team Captain for 2013-2014

Welcoming all Ferris High School Students in Spokane

After School Robotic Club Meet in M510 at Ferris High School (In Spokane) and we are still accepting members, just come Thursday after School and see Mr. Crater.

In March we will be competing at Eastern University but until than we will be trying to make robots. Great fun and give you a chance to gain a new and important skill that you could use for a career in the future.

This is our first year so we need people with diverse skills, such as designing websites, logos, t-shirts and robot design, programming and more.